Welcome to the last part of our slots faq. As slots machine player right and accurate information will help you make good slot machine decisions. In this question and answer segment, you will learn about some good instructional videos that you do not have to pay to acquire. Facebook or otherwise known as social network slot games will be discussed and also about urban legends in gambling. You will receive advice on how to handle winning a jackpot prize and about various published payout percentages and whether the statistics are to be trusted.
Server based slot machines will also be a topic of discussion. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.
Which slot instructional videos would you recommend?
Steve Bourie on YouTube has useful information about slot machines and other casino games. The video lasts between 10 to 15 minutes, and they cover slot machine questions very well. They are also able to dispel myths associated with slot games. Steve Bourie is also the author of the American Casino Guide book which is one of the best-selling regarding online casino gambling. The book is published annually since 1992. It provides details of over 700 gambling locations.
Can you play slots on Facebook for real money?
Yes, although playing slots for real money on Facebook is only limited to players living in the United Kingdom. As a player in the UK, you can play bingo through signing up from Gamesys which allows you to play bingo and Slotz Frenzy. These are the only games you can play for real money on Facebook. Slotomania and Double Down Casino offer Facebook credits for other players.in the meantime the CEO of Zynga, Mark Pincus is working towards offering real-money casino games in his social network company in the near future. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.

What is the best slot machine to play for progressives?
Megabucks slot game, of course, is the best game to play when you are hoping to win a progressive jackpot prize. 9 out of 10 of the greatest jackpot amounts were held by Megabucks up to 2011. The slot game powered by IGT has managed to pay prizes of $20 or $30million of prizes. The jackpot in the slot game is easily triggered by three coins. The higher the jackpot amount, the less likely you will win the jackpot.
How do I know which casinos are legit?
Legit casino websites will use TST systems to verify their fairness. The system is a third party company from Australia that is used to audit online gaming sites. They mostly test to see if the games being offered are fair and whether the software is secure. Many casinos will update when they are audited by TST within the last 24 to 72 hours. Online casinos should also state which government agency offered them a license and where the license is regulated.
It is also important to know the software developer running the casino games. You should use a third party website to verify the accuracy of information provided on the gaming site. This can be done from one third party website known as Online Casino City. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.
What are Flash casino slots?
These are games that can be played without any download. The games are usually run through a web browser that uses Adobe Flash player. There are limitations regarding graphics and sound quality of the no download games, but they are wiped out within a year. Flash gaming is also restricted regarding the variety of games they can offer however this is the major limitation facing Flash casino slots at the moment. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.
I have heard of a curse on lottery winners, but is there a curse on progressive jackpot winners?
The idea of curses on progressive slots is a myth. However, there are urban legends that exist on stories of progressive jackpot winners been cursed after a tragic accident befell a woman who had won a progressive jackpot where she lost her sister and became paralysed. However, this is the only urban legend story that exists so far. We cannot blame the progressive jackpot prize for this tragic incidence, though. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.

Who do you consider the best slots player in the world right now?
There is no such thing as the best slots player in the world. This is because nobody is quite that lucky and slots players do not require using any strategy to win. The only thing that a player could be better at than other players is the understanding the house edge on various slot machines. Players who have the knowledge of where the best progressive slot machines are located will be able to help you increase your chances of becoming a lucky slots player.
Slot players with enough knowledge and information on slot machine odds are considered good at looking for information. However, luck is the key factor that allows slot players to land on great jackpot prizes. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.

Where could I get accurate gaming revenue data for Las Vegas?
The Center for Gaming and Research found in the University of Nevada Las Vegas offers excellent data from some its studies. The research is dated from way back in 1984 through 2012 and gives the total revenues for Las Vegas Casinos through those years.
What should I do if I win a big jackpot?
Do not hit the spin button again when you land on a jackpot. Wait for the casino management to come over to your slot machine and verify your results. You should also leave your slots card in the machine and remain seated on your chair. You should stay calm, polite and have your identification ready. You should also get an attendant’s attention. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.
I have seen posted payout percentages for slots on the European online casinos and some claim to have 97% to 98% payout percentages for slots. Is that anywhere close to accurate?
You should take any payout percentage published information lightly since they do not have any authority sources to it. With increased competition from different other casinos, various casinos tend to offer high payback percentages to their customers so that they can retain them while also attracting others. In Las Vegas, Land based casinos offer their high roller players over 95% to 98% regarding payout percentages. Therefore, yes some casinos offer over 95% as payout percentages to their players. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.
What is the etiquette involving a player playing two machines during crowded hours?
During peak hours the casino will put a sign showing you not to play two slot machines at a go. Good casino etiquette states that as a player playing two machines during peak hours you should politely give up on one machine. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.
A friendly gambler told me the machine pays out less when a slots card is used. Is this true?
Not true, a slots card never affects the payout of a casino. You cannot change stipulated odds during gameplay when you are playing on a machine that is licensed and regulated due to various specifications put in place. Payback percentages cannot be changed when the bets are already on the machine. There is also a four minutes waiting period set by the law for server based machines where there is technical ability to change the parameters.
Can casinos change percentages while you are on a server based game?
In most jurisdictions, there are laws that prevent casinos from making changes using a remote uplink on various server based games. You should always check on local regulations to ensure that your rights are looked into. Multiple regulated server based games offer a four minutes waiting duration for players before and after the player’s playing period before making any changes on the server. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.
How do slot machines work?
There are electronic based slot machines in casinos these days. The Random number generator determines the random payouts, and it is a major component of the casinos. The numbers in the slot machine are generated per second, and they correspond to the reel combinations. The payback percentage is created by programmers, and it is based on odds or probability.
Do Native American casinos have minimum payback percentages?
They have minimum payback percentages at times, but it is not a necessity in these casinos. The minimum payback percentages in Native American casinos depend on the agreement between the casino and the state casino. In a Supreme Court decision way back in the 1980s the native casinos were offered special status due to their independence, but they had to come to an agreement with the state. The contracts might go with a minimum payback percentage or not.

Besides money management and the slots club, what one money-saving tip would you give to slots players?
It is important for a slots player to keep a journal for every penny you win or lose at a slots machine. The journal should be updated annually. You do not have to have a detailed journal. It is common for many slots players to only remember their wins and forget to recount their losses. When you recount only your wins, you will have a false impression that you are lucky at gambling than you are. With a journal, you will be able to realize that as much as you are winning on the side, you might have some losses here and there too.
This will let you become more careful when playing. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.
How does the random number generator work?
The RNG can choose a number for each reel on your slots machine when you hit the spin button. For a three reel machine, three numbers will be chosen for you while for a five reel machine you will have five numbers selected for you. Every number determined corresponds to a symbol on the reel thus creating a configuration exactly as it appears on your screen. The RNG does not help you predict the next win as some slots players assume. Continue reading our slots faq for more valuable information.
What do I have to do if I find someone else’s slots card?
You should just place the slots card on top of the machine where you found it. This is because most slots players will tend to go back to the last machine they used to play the card. They will easily locate the card on top of the machine you placed it on.
Is a machine which hasn’t hit in a while “due” for a big win?
The odds on a slot machine remain the same since every single spin on the slot machine has the same payback percentage. In other words, no slot machine is ever due for a win.
What is server-based gaming?
The game remains on a server in server-based gaming. This will allow casinos to change games and various game parameters within a very short time. The casino will also have a two-way interaction with a player. With server-based gaming, casinos can offer promotions to specific players through a server window. You could also be offered drinks from the server window. This is much like Cloud gaming.
With the majority of your questions answered, you can be able to make sound decisions pertaining slot games.